Monday, January 26, 2015


    After a loss on the road at Ohio State and still climbing in the rankings, it time to officially POTFB. If you do not know what POTFB means you can ask me on Twitter or FaceBook.

    Growing up a Hoosier, I never could understand why anyone could be a Purdue fan. It absolutely makes no sense at all. When I was a kid and you stepped foot in my parents house a picture was up on the wall that read "We now interrupt this marriage for IU  basketball season." From your first step into my house and on your way out you were reminded that we were Hoosiers. I remember watching channel 4, in Indy, and before every game Martha "The mop lady" would come on and then I knew it was Game Time. I remember my father recorded every game of the 1987 NCAA tournament on our VCR just because he felt good about this team. I remember in  December 2010 when I set my DVR against Kentucky, my wife asked why I was recording a game that I was watching. My response was "I just feel like something is going to happen." And happened it did, as it had before many, many times in my life. The Hoosiers of the past all the way to the Hoosiers that will beat Purdue Wednesday night had made memories in all of us Hoosier fans the the people of West Lafayette will never understand.

                       Take a look at this Video courtesy of Purdue basketball and YouTube.
                     I admit, it is a video. But really can you take this video seriously? I can't.

    Did you really watch the video? It's Ok if you did, it is not gonna help or hurt the tradition the comes to mind when people speak of Purdue basketball.

                             Look at those Banners up in Mackey, still don't care? POTFB.

    The entire time I watched that video all ! minute and something of it, I thought it should finish with this quote that is on the back of one of my Tshirts. Enough about the Boilers, please tell me about the #BoilerFail stories that you have witnessed or heard of. Feel free to post you #BoilerFail stories here or to us on Twitter @thebalconyseats or @coachmayhew. Post your #BoilerFail stories on The Balcony seats FaceBook page. No matter where you post then, expect to see another #BoilerFail Wednesday night. POTFB!

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